Christmas Jokes


What is Christmas’ favorite plant?

The Christmasthemums.


What do you call a lobster Santa?

Santa Claws.


What do you call Santa’s dog?

Santa Paws.


What is Santa’s favorite cereal?



What is it called when the Grinch has a problem?

It’s a grissue.


What did the snowman say to his partner?

I carrot lot about you.


What does the reindeer call his significant other?

His reindear.


What time is the best time to give out presents?

The present.


What do you call an elf who only cares about themselves?

They’re elfish.



What’s the best Christmas present?

A drum- you can’t beat it.


Why are trees so bad at sewing?

They always drop their needles!


What kind of music do elves listen to?



What kind of cars to elves drive?



What’s the difference between Santa’s alphabet and the normal one?

There’s “no-el’!


Why is it so cold on Christmas?

It’s Decembrrrrr!


What’s the favorite carol of new parents?

Silent Night!


What happens if you eat Christmas decorations?

You get tinsel-itis.


What do sheep say to each other on Christmas?

Merry Christmas to ewe!


Why do Dasher and Dancer love coffee?

Because they’re Santa’s star-bucks!


Who is a Christmas tree’s favorite singer?

Spruce Springsteen!


Why didn’t Rudolph get a good report card?

Because he “went down in history”!


How do you lift a frozen car?

With a Jack Frost!


What do you call an elf who has just won the lottery?
