Middle School Students Wear Blue to Bring Awareness to a Serious Topic

Middle School students

Sawyer Kehn, Staff Writer

April was Child Abuse Prevention month, and Kentucky ranks fifth nationwide on the average of child abuse cases per 1000 children, ranking above bordering states like Tennessee and West Virginia. In 2021, out of the 4,557 children in Bourbon County, there were 60 reported cases of child abuse or neglect. That averages to 13.7 cases per 1,000 children in the county. This is unacceptable, as Bourbon county averages over counties such as Fayette and Scott county. To bring awareness, Bourbon County Middle School students and faculty wore blue to spread awareness of this terrible epidemic.

Child Abuse Prevention month started with the passing of a bill in 1974, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment act passed; it was a federally funded program that gave states money to improve their children’s welfare. It wasn’t until 1982, that the first attempt to spread awareness began. Congress ruled that June 6th through 12th would be the first ever National Child Abuse Prevention Week. It was in 1983, however, that the first ever National Child Abuse Prevention month was held, and has been held ever since.

There are many ways to help bring attention to this very serious issue, such as wearing blue during the month of April, or tying a blue ribbon to your vehicle’s antenna. The most effective way to battle this issue is to inform your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews about ways to safely alert a trusted adult in cases of abuse. If a child tells you they are being abused, or you suspect abuse please report it to the Kentucky Safe hotline at 1-877-597-2331 or if they are in immediate danger please alert authorities by calling 911.