Longevity through cellular alterations

This is an Image of genetically altered cells to increase longevity.
May 19, 2023
Throughout the years people have created methods to help them live longer, This is called Longevity. Most of these methods consist of temperature therapy, fasting, and facing fears, along with many other methods and ideas. Now these methods are thought to help you live longer by resetting some of the body’s systems. This consists of cleaning out certain parts of the body by fasting and affecting organs through extreme temperature therapy along with other methods. While these longevity activities and diets are effective to increase your lifespan by a couple of years, Engineers are working on a way to increase the average human lifespan to ages above the current oldest age for a human. While normally people work on longevity at an easy-to-access level like your organs and digestive systems, this will increase the human lifespan at the cellular level. Through large amounts of research, scientists have discovered that there are two paths a cell can take when aging. One of these is aging through mitochondrial decay, while the other is through Nucleolar decay. Mitochondrial decay is when the Mitochondria cells get damaged or die causing the death of the human. Nucleolar decay is when the nucleus of the cells slowly decays causing the cells to die eventually leading to death. Leading what leads to these engineered cells improving longevity. What they discovered was that through genetic alterations scientists can cause a cell to switch back and forth between the two different aging cycles. This makes it so that the cell does not get the ability to age properly. This in turn makes it to where the cell takes longer to die of old age increasing the human lifespan. This process has been seen to increase yeast cell’s lifespan by 82% so instead of a lifespan of a week it is increased to a lifespan of 13 days. With some more time and more scientific research, we may be able to use this genetic modification to extend the lifespan by almost double the lifespan of the human species. Overall humans haven’t gotten to a way to create immortality but we have discovered a way to extend the human lifespan.