Stem in Bourbon County Schools

First Place Winner Sebastian Robinson of the North Middletown Elementary Science Fair
May 18, 2023
Science Engineering Technology and Math, colloquially referred to as “STEM,” is an important part of the curriculum of every student. In the modern age, the knowledge and capability of being able to efficiently and effectively utilize STEM are appreciated and valued skills in the job market, especially amidst the complex interconnection of globalization that prizes skilled labor in developed economies like that of the United States. The Bourbon County School District recognizes this intrinsic value, and, accordingly, has been engaging in many activities to cultivate an interest in STEM, as well as develop those skills.
Recently, students interested in technology at Bourbon County Middle School (BCMS) have gotten the opportunity to participate in the control and utilization of one of the most used pieces of technology in the current day and age, which is the drone. Students from sixth, seventh, and eighth grade have recently been allowed to fly drones in their Tech Arts class, a stark departure from the prior computer and typing emphasis that the class has focused on in prior years. Utilizing knowledge learned in said class, they have come to gain a greater understanding of the function of these machines.
In addition to simply learning about how to fly drones, students have also begun to learn about careers in which drone flying is prioritized. Ranging from simple Drone operators to Cargo Drone professionals, to even the technologically skilled individuals who operate drones within the United States military. Not only have they simply learned the skills associated with operating a drone, including the coding of the drone itself so that it operates how they wish, but they have also free-flown the drone. The drone in question that the students have been utilizing is the Tello drone, a mini drone equipped with a camera inside that is made to be simple and easy to use for young people. Eventually, the kids will be flying the drone through an obstacle course in the classroom.
Bourbon County Middle School is not the only school that is getting involved in STEM; the wider school district is also taking a keen interest in the field. North Middletown Elementary, a primary school, recently took an active part in fostering an interest in STEM via a Science Fair, a classic and tried and true method of displaying the skill of students, and also as a fun demonstration of the natural laws that define our universe. 2nd-5th grade participated in the school Science Fair on Monday, March 27th.
The following students won either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place for their individual grade:
4th grade- Addie Deady- 3rd place
2nd grade- Kali Kenney- 3rd place
2nd grade – Zander Wilson- 1st place
3rd grade- Abby Huff- 2nd place
5th grade- Jacob Grimm- 1st place (5th grade had a tie for 1st place)
5th grade- Aiden Norsworthy- 3rd place
4th grade- Sophia George- 2nd place
5th grade- Addy Sowder – 1st place
3rd grade – Owen McFarland- 2nd place
2nd grade- Amy Morales- 2nd place
3rd grade- Emma Ritchie- 3rd place
4th grade- Sebastian Robinson- 1st place
3rd grade- Edyn Payne- 1st place
3rd grade- Finnlee Brown- 3rd place
5th grade- Olivia Owens- 2nd place
3rd grade- Briley Nance- 1st place