Bourbon County High School Varsity Cheer Team is hosting the annual homecoming dance! The dance will be held on Friday, September 29th. The dance starts at 9:30 and ends at 11:30 p.m. The admission is $10 per person with ticket sales beginning on September 18th and ending on September 27. Tickets are only to be purchased during students’ respective lunch periods with cash-only purchases. The dance is to be located in the Bourbon County High School gymnasium with concessions available for students who attend. Aside from the information included on the flier, students and staff seem to not have much information about the specifics. However, based on the flier, students seem to believe the theme could be disco-centered. Based on this assumption, the recommended attire should be items such as glitter, silver, and disco-themed colors. Please stay tuned into morning announcements in your first period class and the four corners of the school to receive updates as they come in on this dance.
The dance, however, does take place after the homecoming game also on September 29th. The homecoming game is at home against Sayre, a private school in Lexington. Students and players alike seem to believe the outcome of this game will be similar to games we have already participated in–a loss. Here’s to hoping against hope for a win on our homecoming night.
I interviewed two coaches from the BCHS football team. One of them stated that they have to fix a few things, such as the way that they’re going to tackle. The other coach explained that the opposing team, Sayre, is a good school and has a coach who used to play in the NFL. This means they will have a good football team that will have well-calculated plays. Though the opposing team is skilled, our coach still has faith in the team and thinks that they’re going to win.