NFL former player, Sergio Brown, is missing after his mother was found dead near her Suburban home in Chicago. Sergio Brown played defensive back for Notre Dame before he signed with the New England Patriots as an underdraft free agent in 2010. Brown played seven seasons in the NFL with the Patriots, Colts, Jaguars, and Buffalo Bills. He played his final season with Buffalo in 2016. Mystery erupted when a missing file report went out for Sergio Brown and his 73-year-old mother. A former ex-NFL quarterback, Mr.Batch had commented and said “These are stories that have not surprised me because I’ve heard those before.” Mr.Batch was alluding to the mental health difficulties that many football players have to deal with as soon as they step off the field.
The Maywood Police Department said they’d issued a missing persons report for Brown and his 73-year-old mother. The mother, Myrtle Brown, was found outside less than 100 yards from her home near a creek. After the body was found, the medical examiner concluded that she had died by homicide after an assault. Police have been unable to locate Sergio Brown but there aren’t any suspects yet. Authorities in Illinois have declined to confirm whether or not former ex-NFL player Sergio Brown is in Mexico. The case had taken a bizarre turn, videos emerged from an Instagram account linked to Mr.Brown. Authorities of Illinois had stated they were investigating the authenticity post. A man identified as Mr.Brown claimed he was kidnapped by the FBI and that his mother had been on vacation. According to Forbes, the Maywood police determined that one of the videos was recorded in Playa de Cameron, Mexico, but there are no details to be shared.
No one has heard anything from Brown still. Officials say they will conitunue searching, but warn people not to get their hopes up.