The television series known as “You” revolves around a man named Joe Goldberg who lives in New York City along with being a bookstore manager who becomes unhealthily obsessed with Guinevere Beck. She first meets Joe in his place of work looking for a book, and while she looks for the book, Joe admires her from afar, watching what she does and what she wears. When she finally approaches him for assistance, of course he obliges, helping her look for a Paula Fox novel. Eventually, Joe rings Beck up for the book, and when it comes to paying, Joe can’t help but feel surprised that she’s using a card and not cash because he knows that she has more than enough cash on her to purchase the book. Joe’s internal voice thinks to himself that she wants him to know her name.
After their interaction, Joe had to find her, so he searched for her on every social media site. Upon doing that, he finds out where she lives that same day and lurks outside her home across the street and watches her from afar, undetected. As he stalks her, he continues to learn more about her over social media, feeling as if he’s actually getting to know Beck. Joe finds out who her friends are, what they do, and what she does for fun with her friends. He uses that information and goes to a karaoke bar that Beck and her friends are at and watches her. Seeing the drunk Beck embarrassing herself, he gets up and leaves to wait at the subway. And what seemed like destiny to Joe—he couldn’t believe to see Beck walking down to the subway. He noticed her standing too close to the train tracks, making him absolutely terrified of the fact that she’s alone and drunk, and what if some crazy maniac was down there? Beck eventually does fall onto the tracks, dropping her phone, and of course Joe goes to save her.
After saving and trying to flag down a taxi for her, she ends up recognizing him as the man from the bookstore. Joe plays it off, acting as if he doesn’t recognize her at first, then “remembering her.” They take the taxi to her place, and outside her house is Beck’s “boyfriend,” Benji J. Ashby. Before they go their separate ways, Joe tries to get her info, but she only gave him her email because she lost her phone when she fell onto the tracks, but it turned out that Joe actually took her phone so that he could see everything she does even more personally on social media. Joe is satisfied with having another good interaction with Beck, but he can’t help but realize that there is something in between them: Benji.
Joe sees Benji as a big threat to him and Beck’s “relationship,” so he gets to know who Benji is and what he does for a living. Joe uses an alias and lures Benji into the bookstore, knocking Benji unconscious and trapping him in the soundproof basement in a clear cage box where no one can hear him at all. Eventually Benji wakes up in his own blood, terrified and confused, wanting to know what Joe could want from him, but he starts to remember that man in the taxi with Beck the other night and that it was in fact Joe. He realizes that Joe is doing all of this for Beck and tells Joe that he can have Beck for all he cares because he doesn’t care for Beck at all. Joe gives Benji a final drink, but with that drink laced with peanut oil, killing Benji and leaving Joe with nothing in his way between his love with Beck. As we await a new season to be released, we wonder: who will Joe be obsessed with next?