The television show, The Boys, takes place in New York City with a man named Hughie Campbell working at a computer hardware store. His girlfriend, Robin Ward, comes to pick Hughie up from work and walk home with him, but upon stopping to talk on the curb, she’s killed almost instantly—having the super hero A-train running uncontrollably and unintentionally straight through her, causing her to explode. Consequently, this leaves Hughie completely traumatized by the whole ordeal, cutting to Hughie and everyone setting a funeral up for Robin. While at home with his father, Hughie sees A-train and Madelyn Stillwell apologizing about the death of Robin, explaining how she was just in the middle of the road and it was all an accident. Hearing that, Hughie becomes upset because Robin was just a step off the curb, not in the middle of the road as suggested.
Eventually, an agent from Vought International comes to visit Hughie about his recently deceased girlfriend and is wanting to settle with forty-five thousand dollars if Hughie agrees to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Hughie decided to put off the offer for now so he can think, and once the agent leaves, Hughie’s father begins to freak out on Hughie, telling him he should take the money because they desperately need it. Hughie can’t believe his father for telling him something like that; basically, Robin’s life is worth only forty-five thousand dollars.
Cutting to Iowa, where there is an upcoming series named Starlight; her real name is Annie January. Her dream ever since she was a little kid was to become one of the most popular superheroes in the world that help people, and the only way to do that and to be recognized by people in the world is to join the number one superhero team in the world: Seven. This is the premise of the show.
The reason the show is so highly rated is because it actually takes the life of superheroes being realistic and not just heroes going off to win and saving this or that and then nothing coming of it. In the show, the main protagonists are the boys; their main goal is to take down the seven who are superheroes, but in reality they’re just freaks in superhero costumes that are known to save people. Although maybe gimmicky, the overarching premise is like something you hadn’t seen before.