Have you ever thought about God being something other than a giant superhuman that created life on Earth? If you like that idea then stick around because you’re about to go down the rabbit hole of my mind. So, let’s take a look at religion, shall we? There are so many religions out there. Some religions are Christianity, Catholicism, Methodist, Muslim, Buddhism, Paganism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Islamism, and Judaism. But then, you also have that 10 percent of society that are atheists, basically meaning they don’t believe in a higher power, nor do they think there’s an afterlife. Have you ever thought that all of the religions are connected? They all believe in a higher power, or more than one. They each believe that you should repent for your sins. So they all have common factors that link them together. So why can’t we all work together?
It’s interesting to think that we all started from one source. So if you think about it, every human on Earth is related. Each religion has its version of god/gods. In paganism, they believe in multiple gods/goddesses. But most religions believe there’s only one god. Each religion has its own beliefs. They all have a bible. The Bible is a bunch of stories telling us how the world came to be in that religion. The Bible is written by man, so I find it hard to believe there is only one word of a one bible. Plus, the Christian bible was translated from Hebrew. My question to you is, would you believe the word of one man? To me, it’s kind of difficult to believe something written by one person when people are well known for lying throughout history, especially those in power. I’m not trying to hate on society, but the reason for most of the wars throughout history, not to mention all the holy wars, are due to differences in society and the belief systems of groups of people. Overall, shouldn’t we focus on the one thing that can bring everyone together: the golden rule–treat others how you wish to be treated.