Girls on the run BCES
On January 30th, 2025 I traveled to the Bourbon Central Elementary School in Paris, Kentucky to interview a variety of both teachers and students about a growing program by the title of “Girls On The Run”. Starting the series of questions smoothly, I interviewed the staff in charge of the program. The Family Resource director, Denita Earlywine, and one of the school’s coaches, Cheryl Zimmerman did a wonderful job at providing background and insight on Girls On The Run, I first asked them what exactly IS this intriguing project, They proceeded to enlighten me that, typically, a group of elementary school girls gather together and they perform a series of exercises like running, stretching, and walking to train for their 5k run later in the school year. But It is not just about the exercise, It is far more than that. The program is also pushing to heighten the girls’ self-esteem, confidence, and mental health, as well as strengthen their bonds with their peers and teachers. All the young girls I had spoken to about this program are hoping to be able to continue being in it even when they get to middle school!
Glow Party NMES

On January 31st, 2025, I had the opportunity to interview students and teachers at North Middletown Elementary School. About their highly anticipated Glow Party event. This bright celebration is an incentive for students who excel in their STAR testing, rewarding their hard work and dedication. This event is held 3 times a year in the school’s gym. It is filled with glowing excitement, literally! WITH a TON of glow sticks, music, and a wide variety of activities, students enjoy a well-earned break filled with fun. During my interviews, I learned that the Glow Party is made possible thanks to the volunteers, including Ms. Sparks, Julie Blackburn, Ms. Adams, and Ms. Southall. Their efforts help to create motivation for students to try their hardest to reach their goals on their STAR testing and a space for the kids to let loose. The students I spoke with said they adore the event and enjoy it with their friends. Even the teachers love it too!
Glow Party CRES

At Cane Ridge Elementary School, the Glow Party is just as exciting but serves as a reward for students who excel in their AR reading testing rather than STAR testing. During my visit, students enthusiastically described their experience at the event as a fun-filled celebration that took place in their gym, where the lights were turned off to create a huge glowing space. Sponsored by the school’s PTO officers, the event has many glow-themed activities, such as creating a basketball and glasses out of glowsticks, dancing, hula hoops, glow necklaces, and more! There are even balloons added to make the party even more fun. The children I spoke with each agreed that the Glow Party was a perfect reward for their huge efforts on their testing, making reading goals even more meaningful to them. They especially loved that they had free roam in the gym, allowing them to play with all of their friends. Mrs. Meeks, one of the event’s main sponsors, helped to make the party a reality and ensured that the kids had a blast.