Vending Machine Values


Emma Maynard, Editor

The demands of school, extracurricular activities and lack of time can take a toll on students.  Often they find themselves hungry and with a lack of options to quench their hunger.  This is one of many reasons that for years, BCHS students have requested access to vending machines that would provide bottle water and snacks to hold them over until lunchtime.  The school has them, however, they are in the student concession stand in the cafeteria, which few students have access to cancelling the advantages of the machines.  

 Many students state that providing reduced prices in the vending machines would provide a service to students who desire a change from the standard milk and water they are served every day.  Students would like for the machines to be accessible all throughout the day, which would allow students to make choices between options that the school deems healthy.   With the addition of vending machines, the students could also have access to snacks whenever they get hungry.  Research shows that students learn more when their needs are met and addressing their growling tummies would lead to an environment that would better suit student learning.