Jazzy Junior


Sam Rogers is in 11th grade here at BCHS, she is a very athletic person, but softball is her passion. She is the President of Pop Club, as well as in numerous other clubs. In addition, Rogers is on the Junior Committee chair for Dance Maroon. Not only is she a fantastic student, she is great with people. The Junior is a sociable person, she has friends all over the school. Not to mention her outgoing personality and relativity. 

Jessica: If you were a box of cereal, what would you be and why?

Sam: Cheerios because they’re good for your heart and so am I.

Jessica: What would your theme song be every time you walk into a room?

Sam: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star because I’m tired.

Jessica: Why is a tennis ball fuzzy?

Sam: Because it gets cold during the winter.

Jessica: What would you do if you found a penguin in your freezer?

Sam: Invite him out to play, duh.

Jessica: If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your family and friends assume you had done?

Sam: Back talk the police officer.