Rant: Christmas Decor Edition


DeeDee Barnett, Assistant Associate Editor

Christmas items keep getting advertised earlier and earlier every single year. Why? Christmas is still a month away, it’s not even Thanksgiving yet.

Who thinks it’s okay to sell Christmas items BEFORE Halloween? This year, at the Walmart here in Paris, Christmas stuff was released for sale a few weeks before Halloween. BEFORE. HALLOWEEN. Seriously, why? It wasn’t anywhere close to Christmas! How is it justifiable to allow the sale of non-seasonal items way before the holiday is about to occur? This takes away Thanksgiving’s spotlight, as well as Halloween’s spotlight. It’s not fair to those of us who like to shop closer to the holiday so we don’t buy anything we don’t need.

Christmas commercials have begun to appear on TV and radio stations as well. Why? It snowed once. Once. That doesn’t warrant Christmas commercials being played. And it is supposed to snow more soon. That most likely means that there will be even more emphasis on buying Christmas things before Thanksgiving. Seriously though, there has been too many Christmas advertisements already. It’s good to know what tie of year it is, but it’s not really Christmas season yet. In fact, most people consider Black Friday the start of the Christmas season, mainly because that’s when most people start buying their Christmas necessities.

You get to spend time with family on Thanksgiving. I get it, Christmas is an important holiday, I do. I love Christmas, but not before Thanksgiving or Halloween. It’s not right to just skip over holidays in order to make more money. It’s alright to be excited for the holiday season. But please, consider other people’s feelings before you start blaring Christmas music all over the place or talking about what your holiday plans are. We don’t want to be sick of Christmas before it even gets here.