Family Christmas Food Traditions



Patricia Jones, Editor

Throughout the Christmas holiday, many families gather around to celebrate with presents, bonding time, and doing family traditions (specifically food). Family traditions are very important to lots of families. For example, Senior Cheyanna Rayburn’s family has a special tradition for their desserts. Her family makes sugar free desserts such as banana pudding, strawberry jello pie, chocolate pudding pie, cinnamon roll pecan pie, and peppermint patties. All the deserts are sugar free, due to several family members including herself are diabetics. The sugar free desserts are made because they help them with medical issues. This means less medication for them to take after eating.  Sophomore Kaygen Heflin’s family has a very special candy tradition. For the Christmas holiday, his family makes candy canes. As to why they make them, Kaygen stated “Because my great great great great grandfather invented them”. Sophomore Haleigh Clem stated “ We make a cheese ball, ham, the normal Thanksgiving stuff. It’s really boring; my family sucks.” As for reasoning, Haleigh stated “No, they just make it to make it, that’s all I know.” Teacher Catherine Hurt stated “My family always has country ham for Christmas, it’s probably the only time of the year that we have country ham and city ham, oster pudding, and broccoli casserole. We have that during Christmas and then we’ll have all the pies like pumpkin pie, transparent pie, and pecan pie. That’s probably the only time of the year that we have all of them at the same time.” The reasoning for this, Ms. Hurt stated was “We’ve just done that; my mom has done that for every year and we still do it. I guess that they think they think you can eat less healthy on those days, so that it’s okay cause it’s the holiday. But I don’t know, that’s just a tradition that we have always done.” For Christmas, family’s have wonderful traditions every single year.