New Years Resolutions
January 20, 2019
A lot of people set New Year’s resolutions. Do they follow through though? A very popular resolution is to stay organized through the year. People set this goal to make themselves feel better about who they are and it lets them feel positive. Anybody could really set this goal: teenagers, adults, kids, and grandmas. Adults are more likely to make this goal because getting older makes them think they need to change every year.
Staying organized isn’t an easy task. But to help you out, here are some ways it can be easy for you. Set a daily schedule based on what you want to accomplish throughout the day and don’t stray from that schedule. Another way is to clean out empty space in your house or anywhere. You don’t need something from over 10 years ago in your closet. Being organized also helps with finding things more easily when you need them.
Studies shows that if you stay organized, you eliminate 40% of your time doing house work. House work takes a lot of time away from things you could be spending doing other important things. Staying organized can also save you money. Over 23% of adults admit that they lose a lot of things which results in missed deadlines, fees and etc.
Now that you’ve set a goal, how likely are you to keep it? According to Business Insider most people give up on their new year resolution by February. That’s only a month after they make these goals. My challenge to you is to keep your resolution until you need to make a new one. It will be amazing to see the impact it has on your life.