New Years Resolutions


   Once the New Year begins, many people promise themselves that they would lose weight, or exercise more in an attempt to become healthier. Approximately 38% of Americans make it their resolution to get healthier and around 48% of them end up quitting their goal within three to four weeks. Choosing to work out is the typical New Year resolution, many Americans want to achieve in order to become more healthy. They want to better themselves after consuming sugary foods during Christmas time. So, they decide to make it their goal to lose weight and eat healthier, and try to maintain it. Maintaining a steady weight for a long period of time is a rather tedious task, however, if people convince themselves to stick to their goal, they will be much happier with the outcomes.

  I’ve yet to find anyone that has stuck to their goal; as it is a rather difficult one to stick to. But I’m sure there are people out there who take their New Year resolution as seriously as they can in order to stay healthy. Not everyone quits. Deciding to lose weight and work out was my New Year’s resolution as well, and by making it my goal, it is a lot easier to complete.

Everyone should treat their bodies as if they were temples, they should always try to keep themselves in good health. For me, I have chosen to stick to my workout routine by exercising on the weekends for a certain period of time; which motivates me to fulfill my goal if there is a time constraint of some sort. I have been successful in taking time out of my weekends in order to complete the goal of working out, and I plan on continuing to try and stick to it. If I work out for a specific amount of time for two days out of the week, I will be much more energized and confident about myself.

Many people give up on their New Year’s resolutions, but if you try your best to dedicate yourself and commit to something, such as working out, it will have better effects for us as we get older.  By working out, you will also feel better about yourself as a whole, everyone can complete and dedicate themselves to something if they try it.