My New Years Resolution: Drink More Water
January 18, 2019
Water is one of the most important things in the world; we drink it, we bathe in it, we use it for food, we swim in it, and hundreds of more things. As humans, we require it in order to survive. However, I have failed to comply with this basic necessity of life. Don’t get me wrong, I do drink water, but a significantly less amount than is healthy for someone of my weight. (In all actuality, I consume 1-2 bottles of water a day when I should be drinking 8). So, in order to benefit my body and help satisfy my kidneys screaming for help, I have made my New Year’s Resolution to drink 8 bottles of water a day, every day for the rest of my life. I will pack a water bottle to school, more specifically the biggest one I have (it fits approximately 32 ounces) and finish it before I come home. Then, I will finish my remaining 6 bottles of water throughout the rest of my day. I believe that this an easily obtainable goal to set for myself, unlike the typical resolutions for the new year, and something that I can easily establish into my everyday life.
That’s what a New Year’s Resolution should be: something realistic and easy to obtain. Why does everyone on New Year’s set an extremely difficult-almost unfathomable-goal for their life when they know they will quit within the first two months of the year? Stop setting such high expectations and instead make baby steps to the goal you want to accomplish. For example, one of the most common resolutions is to lose weight and start eating more healthy. One baby step to attain this goal is to slowly eat less of unhealthy food items. Do not cut them out entirely and cold turkey because this is an extremely difficult task to do. Additionally, try exercising in small amounts and build your way up to more physically-demanding workouts. By utilizing baby steps, New Year’s Resolutions should be easy to continue to do throughout life, just like mine.