New Year’s Resolution: Dieting

January 2, 2019
One typical New Years resolution is to eat healthily. Many people decide every year that they’re going to eat healthily but in reality that usually lasts anywhere between two days to two weeks. Many people choose this because they think dieting will help their life but it’s not the dieting part that’s hard it’s sticking to the resolution itself. Many people struggle with keeping up with their resolutions because they aren’t fully committed. Dieting has always been a huge one either that or working out an hour a day.
Dieting hard and sticking to a healthy diet is a struggle to many in general. People who make these resolutions don’t realize that their bodies have not adapted to their new eating ways. Starting to healthy doesn’t come naturally it comes with a lot of focus and dedication. People who choose this dieting lifestyle need to sit down way before they actually do it and plan it.
There are many different ways you could diet but many people choose to cut out carbs and sugars and to workout more and there’s a big problem. They don’t realize when they all of a sudden take certain items away from the brain dopamine doesn’t get realized. Dopamine is a hormone in the brain that makes you feel a good many smokers who are addicted to nicotine is because the amount of dopamine is being released in their brain is at a mass amount. This key role plays out with sugars and carbs and many foods especially for people who stress eat. The brain can see food as a coping method and for these people who are trying to diet it makes it hard on them because their brain sees food as a way out of a situation so it could release dopamine. So planning out your diet should consist of slowing down the intake of these items to a point where you don’t need mass amounts of sugar and carbs and so on.
There are many ways to eat healthily and diet and I believe that’s why people choose this as a New Years resolution but they need to dedicate themselves and plan out to put in some hard work and many people can achieve their goal in dieting.