What to do on Valentines Day When You’re Single

What to do on Valentines Day When Youre Single

We all know that Valentines Day is a day that couples get together and spend time with each other. But what is everyone else supposed to do? Many singles around the world have no idea what to do on this couple filled holiday. There are many things to do when you are single on this holiday, but the one thing to remember is that this holiday is all about love and not about loving significant others. Remember to spend this time with loving friends or family, but if that is not specific enough here is a list of what to do.

  1. Remember that the holiday is about loving anyone not just your significant other.
  2. Watch your favorite romance or romance-comedy movie with your friends.
  3. Buy a bunch of discount candy.
  4.  Hang out with friends.
  5. Relax at home when everyone else is busy doing stuff for Valentine’s day.
  6. Cook a nice dinner and movie for yourself.
  7. Go on a nice shopping trip just to hang with either yourself or a group of friends.
  8. Have a day by yourself and enjoy your own company.
  9. Make chocolate candies to pass out and sell.
  10. Give your family or friends a random surprise gift.
  11. Remember that single awareness is just around the corner.
  12. Go to the movies because everyone is out for dinner on Valentine’s day.
  13. Jam out to music and enjoy your time alone.
  14. Go to an animal shelter and remember those animals need love too.
  15. Go to Barnes and Noble and enjoy a book and some coffee with a friend or alone.
  16. Babysit for a couple that might not have time to get off and go on a date.
  17. Take care of a couples house when they have gone on a valentine trip for themselves.
  18. Catch up on work when no one else is; you will be ahead of everyone.