Comparing The Ketogenic and Atkins Diets


The Ketogenic (Keto) and Atkins diets are both forms of low-carb regimes that are used for weight-loss and other benefits. The Keto Diet consists of high carb and low-fat foods. This is used to help people lose weight, and also has other benefits to prevent diseases such as cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, and even Alzheimer’s. There are numerous weight-loss journeys and overall health benefits due to using Keto. The diet targets hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance. It works because it changes the very “fuel source” that the body needs to stay energized; namely from burning glucose (sugar) to dietary fat, courtesy of Keto regime recipes and the food list items, including high-fat and low-carb foods. The weight loss plan focuses on lowering blood sugar levels and insulin levels. Like all diets, there are lots of variations for it. The most common version of this plan is the standard; in this version, it contains 75% fat, 20% protein, and only 5% of carbohydrates.

The Atkins diet is another low-carb regime, usually used for weight-loss. There have been numerous studies on this form of weight-loss because it was first seen as an unhealthy way to lose weight, but after researchers did a study, the diet was confirmed to be healthy for people. When people reduce carbohydrate intake and increase protein intake, make your appetite decrease. When participating in this strict diet, you go through four phases; low-carb introduction, balancing and adjusting to the diet, and be able to maintain your eating habits. Through these phases, you first get the weight-loss started, then learn to maintain the weight loss. The maintenance phase is known to be the hardest to stick to.

In the end, dieting is always helpful for the body. It helps defeat obesity and promote a healthy lifestyle, which is much needed in this day and age.