Pet-Smart’s Free Adoption Weekend

March 20, 2019
Every year an estimated 7 million pets enter PetSmart and nearly 3 million of those never find homes. Different PetSmarts all around the world have a free adoption weekend. Since 1994, 8,030,752 pets have found their forever home; that number is continuing to rise today. Throughout the years, many animals have lost their lives to overcrowding of pounds. This year’s Free Adoption Weekend was one of the best giving away 135 pets. One of the main reasons they do free adoptions is to help people that may not have enough money to buy all the things they need but to give the animals a forever home. Things such as leashes, litterboxes, food, water bowls, etc. The PetSmart in Lexington, Kentucky can hold at least 16-20 dogs, and 16 cats, more if kittens can be housed together. Many people believe that the free adoption weekend is a great way to get many pets a forever home. She told me that free adoption weekends are very very busy and that they always have a great turnout. I believe that a free adoption weekend is a very smart way to help get animals a forever home, and people that are seeking a companion but don’t have very much money can get what they are looking for. Petsmart makes sure the animal you want is ready for anything such as being around other animals, getting used to the new home. Many of these pets need a forever home and you are the one that could make that possible. Get everyone you know to show up in order to promote this great idea and give animals all around you to have a forever home to make them a happy and healthy pet.
Petsmart has found 214,206 pets a forever home. They have also celebrated over 124,000 pets being transported. Petsmart is changing the lives of millions each and every day.