The Importance of Self-Care

Koby Turner, Editor

Whether it be a stressful day or having a mental illness, self-care is important for every single person. It allows for relaxation and to take the stress of the day out of your system. Every person has mental health, so it is not just for people with a mental illness. According to, “Practising self-care can have remarkable effects on our self-esteem. When we take care of ourselves, it affirms our self-worth. By taking care of ourselves and our needs, we’re telling ourselves, ‘I deserve this’. And we do.” So if you practice self-care, it can drastically improve your self-esteem. This is especially important because of the effect social media has on you. Social media today is filled with melancholy people complaining about something and self-deprecating jokes. These types of jokes are extremely harmful to your mental health and self-esteem. Thus, if you take a break from social media and focus on yourself, you are more likely to view yourself in a better light.

Self-care can also improve your health and wellness overall. It can make you a happier person, which can be reflected onto others. Thus, permitting more healthy relationships and making more friends. According to, “It promotes rest and relaxation, which benefits our overall health and wellness, and it also promotes healthy relationships. When our self-esteem and self-awareness improves, it has a positive effect on our overall mindset. This, in turn, enables us to care for our friends and loved ones in a way that we might not have been able to do before.”

Since we know how helpful self-care is, the question is now, “what can I do to improve my self? What methods of self-care can I practice?” Well, some things to do is to take a bubble bath, go out with friends, take a nap, getting enough sleep, or eating healthy. It is very important to do these things to improve yourself as a person.