How Technology Has Changed Over The Decade

Dominic Fightmaster, Editor

Technology has been a huge part of the last decade. It has grown and improved, new inventions, phones getting smaller. We see it in almost every school and people owning phones. Most kids have grown up with tech or will. But how has technology changed over the past decade? So let’s take a look at tech from 2010 to 2020. 

The iPhone has been a big part of this decade. The most recent being the iPhone 11. Let’s look at the iPhone 4s which came out in 2011. The 4s has a 0.3MP front camera and an 8MP rear camera. The 11 pro max has 12MP cameras. The 11 pro max has 64GB of storage while the 4s has 8GB of storage. A big upgrade from the old iPhones is that the more recent phones have face id. The 11 has 4GB of RAM and the 4s has 512MB of RAM. New iPhones are thinner than previous iPhones. As you can see iPhones have gotten better with camera quality, more RAM, and better storage.

On October 26, 2012, Windows 7 was released. The current version of Windows is 10. I remember when I was in elementary school we had just started using computers. The Windows 10 has 2GB of RAM for 64-bit architecture and 20GB of space for 64-bit systems. The 10 has a CPU clock speed of 1GHz and a screen resolution of 800 x 600. The Windows 7 has a 1 gigahertz processor and 2GB of RAM for 64-bit. The 7 has 16GB of hard disk space. Now you are probably wondering what is hard disk space? This is just another name for a hard drive.

When I was around the age of 6 to 7 was the first time I remember using a computer for school. I remember that they aren’t much different from current day computers. One thing I can say that has changed is the quality of them. Computers have changed a lot over the decade. Now there are computers made specifically to play video games. Most gaming computers contain a CPU, a motherboard, a CPU cooler, RAM, GPU, an HDD or SSD, and a mouse. The most common computer is a PC (Personal Computer) as they are the cheapest and easy to obtain. You can build your own PC by buying all the parts needed.

In 2010 the first prototype of the Oculus Rift was designed by Palmer Luckey. What is the Oculus Rift, it is a virtual reality headset that allows people to experience games or videos as if they were there. In 2012 Oculus started a Kickstarter campaign to gain funding for the project. Finally, on March 28, 2016, the Oculus was released to the public allowing people to experience VR.

As I said before technology has evolved and became a huge part of many people’s lives. Just last year we got the first picture of a black hole. Phones have become better with more storage and better cameras. Computers have gotten better CPU’s, graphics cards, and more. Tech will most likely still be a big part of humanity as we rely on it. Over the next decade, tech will probably jump to a new high and improve. We may even get AI robots walking around. Who knows maybe Elon Musk will find a way to make cars fly, but we have another decade to wait and find out.