Sports Complex in Bourbon County
January 29, 2020
Land outside of downtown Paris is being considered for the development of a new sports complex. Residents here have different opinions on how this will impact our community. Some say the new sports complex may cause traffic jams, crowded restaurants, and draw visitors that some say the county doesn’t have room to accommodate. Mike Williams, the county judge-executive, says, “We’re not doing anything new. We’re not breaking ground in the sense that it’s new to Kentucky. Neighbors throughout Kentucky have already done these things and been very successful.” Mike said this to comfort Bourbon County residents who are worried a new sports complex will have more of a negative effect than good. Williams says that the plan is in the works to purchase and develop a 332-acre property just outside of downtown Paris. Then, this land will turn into a sports complex for local and state-wide tournaments in Bourbon County. Williams wants this complex to further economic growth in the long run and help Bourbon County and the residents of this town. Mike says, “It’s too late for the juniors and seniors in high school. They are going to graduate from school and they are going to move away and they are not coming back to Bourbon County, with a few exceptions. But those second and third graders or those fifth and sixth graders that are in those classrooms today, we want to give them an opportunity, a reason to live and stay and work in Bourbon County.” Overall, this new development is mostly for young children. This sports complex would be an amazing new opportunity to keep people interested in activities in Bourbon County and persuade students to stay in Bourbon County for sports. Although millions of dollars will be spent in the making of this development, the overall goal is to improve our economy and community.

Plans for the Sports Complex in Bourbon County.