T&V Is Staying Connected


a picture of our white line group in our costumes before COVID-19 hit.

Abigail Bezeau, Staff Reporter

During this time, everyone is struggling to stay connected to the people that are close to them. I would even go as far as to say it is hard to stay connected to reality. Each business and organization is doing different things to stay connected as a group. Town and Village is one of these groups working hard and doing everything they can to stay connected. The dance classes set up every day are not only for learning but also for communication and to talk things out. After spending so much quality time with our family, I think it is safe to say it is always nice to talk to someone you are not related to! 

On top of talking each day in zoom before we begin our classes, each Saturday we carve out 40 minutes for our honor company members to talk. During this time we chat about our struggles as well as what we are looking forward to once this all ends. If there is extra time once we finish chatting we learn a fun combo to keep our energy levels up. It is always something like a Bob Fosse number or an upbeat jazz number. We take these classes with our teacher Mara Babb and studio director Lyndy Smith. 

Zoom meetings and talks are not all that they do to keep things exciting and stay in touch though. We have recently discovered that the graduating senior dancers of the studios along with our teachers are planning something for us, underclassmen. Not much has been said about the matter aside from that we are going to love it. Hope Blanton, a freshman at the studio says, “ I am looking forward to finding out what they are planning and how it will turn out.” Regular videos are sent out by the studio owners to keep each family updated and in the loop about what is going on. These videos are very helpful. The last fun thing that we all did was an at-home picture day. This time of year we mark out a weekend at the studio to take amazing pictures in our costumes. This year we did them at home. It was a fun photoshoot and we all had a blast taking fun photos. All of us students are so thankful to have such a wonderful environment to help us during this time.