Fall Sports 2020
September 11, 2020

The KHSAA has made the decision to allow fall sports to continue to play this year season. Although they have added many rules and guidelines. Not all rules are required but strongly recommended. Masks and frequent use of hand sanitizer is required. You may not attend or participate in the game if your temperature is over 100.4, if you would like to wait 5-10 minutes in a cooled off area and have your temperature retaken then you may. You must do symptom checks and give your contact information before entering a sporting event. There will be a mass team testing before the start of the season and if the school district sees fit, whole team testing, every four weeks. Players will be held to a higher standard this year by requiring higher grade point averages and a higher attendance rate. Schools must be informed of parental and students’ risk. If a player or coach shows any symptoms they must be tested. If you are sick, you will be quarantined. If one member of the team or coaching staff the whole team and staff should quarantine. Every player needs their own equipment and must be sanitized after every use. Teams should social distance when possible. No hugging, high fiving, fist bumping, or shaking hands as forms of encouragement or support. Players should not share clothes or equipment and you must always wear a shirt/top while playing. KHSAA recommends doing away with locker rooms and water fountains. They strongly suggest bringing your own water bottle/drink. KHSAA says that interscholastic athletics are a privilege, not a right, as has been confirmed by the courts on multiple occasions. Students will be encouraged to shower and wash their workout clothing immediately after returning home. These are just a few of the rules/guidelines the KHSAA has put in place for the fall sports season.