Teacher Feature: Mr. Clark

Koby Turner, Editor

Mr. Clark is a well-known and beloved teacher here at Bourbon County High School. He is an English teacher and always knows how to make anything in the classroom that may be difficult or boring quite fun and enjoyable with his charismatic and friendly personality. Clark always knows how to make a smile on anyone’s face even if they are having a terrible day by cracking humorous jokes. With a twenty year background working here at BCHS, he has definitely made a plethora of friends with students and teachers alike. It is a commonly known fact that Mr. Clark is an outstanding teacher and will always be there to inform and support his students. For this reason, he deserves a lot of recognition for being the amazing person that he is. Recently, I conducted an interview with him and the following was said:


Koby: What are the subjects you teach?

Clark: I teach freshman English and Sophomore English.

Koby: What is your favorite color?

Clark: Blue.

Koby: What is your favorite TV show or movie?

Clark: The Office is my favorite show; I can watch that nonstop. As soon as I finish all the seasons, I can go right back to the beginning and watch it again.

Koby: Do you have any fun hobbies?

Clark: I like to hike, to kayak, and to just work out in the yard.

Koby: What is your favorite book?

Clark: I gotta go with To Kill A Mockingbird. It never gets old.

Koby: Why did you become a teacher?

Clark: (In a joking manner) I wanted to be a shoe salesman, but my ACT scores weren’t good enough.

Koby: To be a shoe salesman?

Clark: Right, so when I didn’t have a high enough ACT score to be a shoe salesman, I wondered what else was out there. And just below shoe salesman was a teacher.

Koby (while laughing): It’s kind of sad that your ACT scores were too bad to be a shoe salesman, but you could be a teacher and teach kids.

Clark: That’s not really true.

Koby: I was thinking that’s kind of weird.

Clark: You know, it was two things I really loved. I really loved English and the idea of communicating to people whether it’s through spoken word or written word. I really loved the stories and why people do the things they do. I’ve always loved working for kids. Kids can be very annoying, but they don’t really annoy me as much as the adults do sometimes. You can understand the way they are. So at the end of the day, if they give me a hard time, I don’t go home angry about that. I really enjoy being able to help them make better decisions and think about their future.

Koby: What is your favorite part about being a teacher?

Clark: Everyday is different. So, you know how some people go to work at a factory and it’s the same thing everyday. With teaching, every single day is different; you never know what’s going to happen. The unexpected is kind of fun.

Koby: What is your favorite sports team, if any?

Clark: It has to be Kentucky Wildcats. For basketball, not so much for football.

Koby: What award did you win recently and what’s it for?

Clark: I won the Starfish Award. It was for looking out for other people and trying to make sure that you’re aware of the people around you and help people for whatever reason they may need some help.

Koby: Is there anything else you’d like us to know?

Clark: Not much; I love my job here and I love all the kids and the people that I work with.