Bourbon County Marching Band Has Newbie Camp


The Bourbon County Marching Colonels take the field for Class A Champion Exhibition.

Sidney Smith, staff writer

The school year is about to end and the marching band is starting back up. After spring break, which is April 5th to April 9th, the band will start newbie camp every Tuesday and Thursday. Each practice will be from 4 to 5:30. The band will still have to social distance while being at band practice and wear face masks when the band is on a break from marching.  At the beginning of newbie camp, only the new band members and section leaders will come, then after a few weeks, the whole band will start coming to newbie camp. The new band members will start learning how to march. At first, the members will learn the basics of marching. For instance, learning how to forward march and backward march. Once everyone gets the hang of the basics, the band will get more into more difficult skills. A fun exercise that they do is a drill-down. A drill-down is when all the members get into a block and Mr. Stone will call out commands. If you mess up, you are out and the last person on the field will win. Opposite of a drill-down is a drill-up. A drill-up is when the band is in a block and when you get the commands correct, you get to leave the block. During the last two weeks of newbie camp, the band members will start playing music from the marching band show. 

The color guard will also be practicing every Monday and Wednesday. The guard will be learning dance and flag techniques. The guard has been practicing longer than the band members.

Once the school year is over, the band won’t have any more practices until the end of July. The guard and percussion will have an extra week of camp, that week will be the week of the 12 through the 16 of July. The whole band will have band camp from the weeks of the 19 through the 23 of July and the 26 through the 30 of July.