Stage Exit: Laura Osnes Leaves Production Over Vaccine Stance

Laura Osnes standing in front of the Capitol Building
August 27, 2021
In current times of COVID-19, the changes between vaccination status has been a very heavy topic in the news and the people who chose to receive it. The public has been going back and forth about the vaccine and the side effects it comes with. In many different locations, such as bars, restaurants, and other indoor locations, they are beginning to require proof of vaccination. A lot of businesses in general are starting to require their employees to be vaccinated before they can be able to continue their position in the establishment. Specifically, in New York City, New York, the former governor Andrew Cuomo stated that all business locations- including Broadway- require vaccination. And many employees who don’t comply with COVID restrictions will be terminated from their position.
One such employee, Broadway actress Laura Osnes, most known for her role as “Ella” in the Broadway musical “Cinderella” was affected by these restrictions. Recently news sources, such as People Magazine, revealed that the performer has been taken out of the one night performance of “Crazy for You” because of her refusal to get the COVID-19 vaccine. PageSix news released the actress’s statement on the issue. She had claimed that she would rather be taken out of a show than get vaccinated because “there’s so much that’s still unknown”. In her statement, she also denied the rumor of her being fired and that it was her own doing deciding to quit the show. She released another statement about her situation on her Instagram account earlier this week, after multiple sources asked for further comment. Osnes also mentioned in her statement that she stands by her decision and so does her husband, Nathan Johnson, a photographer. Finally, she stated that perhaps in the future her vaccination could be a possibility, once more information is known.