How Isolation Has Affected Teens Mental Health and How You Can Get Help

Our BCHS counselors for the 2021-2022 school year
September 9, 2021
As we all know the COVID-19 pandemic has had a multitude of negative impacts. One of those impacts is on teen mental health. Over the pandemic we were isolated away from the world. Unable to interact with our friends and people in general. Not having social interaction affects teens more than you think.
Over the past year the pandemic has caused our social interaction to cease to exist. It’s a fact that humans need to be around humans. Throughout the pandemic data has shown teen mental health has been worse than ever. 25% reported that their mental health had gotten worse not long after the pandemic started. Also, researchers found that 46% out of 997 parents said their teens showed signs of worsening mental health since the pandemic started. Though we’re back in school, the effects of being isolated for so long don’t disappear.
I interviewed one of our beloved school counselors Ms. Hall. I asked her about what she thinks on how the pandemic has affected teen mental health. She definitely agrees that the pandemic has a negative effect on teens because of isolation, “The biggest point is that problems developed mentally for teens and people your age because they needed social interaction.” She also agrees that those mental effects are still affecting teens, “ I think that we’re still going through now.”
This year we are back in person and we’re able to be social once again. But there are concerns about COVID case numbers getting worse. If school shut down would we come back? And would it be just like the early spring break all over again? That happening wouldn’t only affect teens mental health but many other things. So do what you can to keep COVID-19 from spreading.
If you need help from our BCHS counselors you are welcome to do so. Around the school there are Qr codes in the hallways and bathrooms, that any student that has a phone can use. Also, you can ask a teacher to email one of the counselors. Needing help is nothing to be embarrassed of, getting help is the smartest thing to do for yourself.
So as you can see, the pandemic most definitely has a negative effect on teens mental health. It has kept us from being able to be around our kind for a long time. If you are struggling with mental health, whether it’s because of the pandemic or not, don’t be afraid to ask for help from our amazing counselors. Luckily we are back in person seeing our friends and teachers. We can only hope that we can continue it and have a great year.