Excitement at BCHS!!!
Pictured above: Football students being announced at the first pep rally of the year, hosted by Pep Club.
September 7, 2022
Just two weeks ago, on August 26, 2022, was the first Bourbon County High School pep rally for the beginning of the year–talk about school cheer! Most of the Bourbon County High School fall sports teams were introduced along with a pie in the face to our Assistant Principal, Ms. Kirsten Conner. Music was provided by the Bourbon County High School band with a screaming contest between all grades. This permitted talking with friends and a large, bright pink, bouncy ball being passed around the crowd and sometimes chased down by our high school’s PE teacher, Travis Earlywine! During COVID, it was difficult on everyone, especially high schoolers, seeing that even though there are things like social media, it was difficult to meet up at places like The Rock, McDonald’s, skate parks, and other local hangout spots for students to sit in person and just talk. As a result, the pep rally was a great way to get people together and just have some fun.
Speaking of Bourbon County High School, people getting together, and having fun.. this week is the Bourbon County High School football game for homecoming–Bourbon County High School from Paris, Kentucky vs. Woodward Career Technical High from Cincinnati, Ohio!! Of course, student admission is free. So, you should attend the game and meet up and talk with your friends while supporting Bourbon County High School’s football team. While you are at it, you should also stay and attend the homecoming dance! It’s from 9 pm to 12 am on Friday, September 9th, (the same day as the game). Admission is $10 each or $15 per couple and the wear is semi-formal. Furthermore, the homecoming is being hosted by Bourbon County High School’s varsity cheerleaders so come to the dance to support them as well. Go Bourbon County High school, school spirit rocks!