Excitement at BCHS Homecoming Week
A photo of BCHS’s homecoming court
September 24, 2022
Homecoming is a big tradition for Bourbon County High School; and it occurs around September- October which is usually the first home game of the football season. This year’s homecoming game was on Friday September 9, 2022. The week before the game is Known as Spirit Week, and each day is a different theme. Following that, during this week you get to find out who is on the homecoming court. Seniors get to vote for homecoming queen and king.
Tuesday the 6th was the first day of Spirit Week. The themes included “throwback Tuesday”,”Adam Sandler day, “anything but a backpack”, and “color war”, which depended on your grade what color you were supposed to wear. In an interview with our very own Junior Editor, Gabriela Gomez, she said her favorite Spiritday was Adam Sandler day. She stated ” It was funny to see everyone look so similar.” Bree Callahan said her favorite day was anything but a backpack day. “It was kinda cool to see everyone use their imagination to come up with some crazy things for a backpack.” Callahan said.
Along with Spirit Week, the student class got to vote for the Homecoming queen and king, which is determined by the homecoming court. 2022 Homecoming court are 9th grade: Shaun Trumbo and Briley Hudnall; 10th Grade: Erick Rosales and Lyndsie Barker; 11th Grade: Case Osborne and Isabella Sears; 12th Grade: Christian Arnold, Cam Goodwin, Josh Moody, Clay Estes, Miles Ezell, Lesly Lazaro, Zaida Villanueva, Aleigha Petrosian, Ada Nobles, and Floor Geuze.
During the Friday night football game, at half time, announcer Luke Earlywine announced the Queen and King to be Lesly Lazaro and Christian Arnold. Though it was a tough fight, the homecoming game wasn’t a win with colonels having to , but the week before and the dance showed a success. Go Colonels!