Gear Up Bourbon County

Ms. Boone, Gear Up Ambassadors, and bchs students join together with college students and graduates on College Panel Day
October 7, 2022
At Bourbon County High School, September 26th-30th consisted of five events for National Gear Up Week. The purpose of ‘Gear Up Kentucky’ is to allow students to be prepared for college success.
On Monday, September 26th, 2022, ‘Question In A Box’ was Mondays’ event where seniors were able to put any questions they had about college in a box. If they had completed this task, their names were put in a raffle for each question they asked.
Tuesday and Wednesday, 27th-28th, High School Seniors were given the opportunity to visit both KSU (Kentucky State University) and EKU (Eastern Kentucky University). During these events, students are taken on a tour around the campus and are given certain details about different buildings related to housing or the career pathway they wish to major in. This allowed seniors to experience what it was like on campus and what they should expect for the fall term of 2023.
On Thursday, September 29th, 2022, it was ‘College Panal Day’. This panel consisted of college students and college graduates where they were asked a series of questions they will need to answer regarding college preparation and expectations before the floor opens up for any other questions the students wish to ask.
Every student has a top college they dream of going to, whether it be University Of Kentucky or Eastern Kentucky University. Friday, September 30th, 2022, was ‘Wear Your College Gear’. The purpose of this day’s event was to allow seniors to represent their favorite college or university by wearing a college t-shirt. If someone wore a college t-shirt, they would automatically get another ticket into the raffle for participating in order to win a college bundle. Given the opportunity to have the support Gear Up offers to many students around the United States, National Gear Up Week allows students and teachers to raise awareness all around about the positive impact Gear Up is having locally in the community.