War on Ukraine Continues On

Ukraine flag flies high to honor all those who have been killed in the war, and to show Russia that they're far from backing down.

Modern Vascular

Ukraine flag flies high to honor all those who have been killed in the war, and to show Russia that they’re far from backing down.

Taylor Koch, Editor

42,295 people killed. 15,000 missing. 14 million left without a home. For almost a year, Russia has endlessly attacked Ukraine because of tensions started years ago. Back in 1991, the small country of Ukraine announced its want of independence from Russia, and was the beginning of a nightmare that would cause many to suffer. At the time, Russia’s President, Boris Yeltsin, was very opposed to this idea, and was one that fought tirelessly for the continuation of the Soviet Union, but would fail at both tasks: keep Ukraine as a part of Russia and refuse to let the Union fall. Fast forward 31 years later to a part of history where many Westerners quote “history repeating itself”. 

What seems like a war that could carry on another decade, Ukrainians say that might not be true. With numerous fallen troops of Russia, Ukraine soldiers refuse to back down now. Though, both countries are at a loss of artillery which means it could come down to financial issues/losses, and the small country of Ukraine can’t afford that. It’ll be a war that many could look back on as a strongly fought battle a small scale country put up. Recently Germany and the United States have both contributed to sending more tanks over. The “critical weapons” Ukraine says they need to recapture their own territory include M1 Abram Tanks as well as Leopard 2. With more surprise bombings on January 25, many can see why more artillery was called for. 

On another side of the war, the media has covered tens of thousands of videos, pictures, interviews, and even deaths. Many journalists have been sent overseas to collect more, and they’re sharing their stories. Pictures can tell a story that no words could ever. It captures the emotion, and creates a sense of atmosphere that one could not understand without looking at the story. One journalist, Joyce Koh, quotes, “It has been astonishing to witness how tender people are, even amid their worst days. I love the way film captures that softness..”. Joyce was in Ukraine for two months, watching as people’s everyday lives were flipped upside down. The heartbreak of watching homes destroyed, to seeing a mother on Mothers Day find her son dead just days after him being captured by Russian soldiers can show anyone just how traumatizing  the war is. Nothing about the war on Ukraine is uplifting, but many continue to have hope. The losses of loved ones brings Ukrainians closer, and ready to fight in order to protect their home country.