I have recently traveled to Boston Massachusetts and was able to spend a day in Salam Massachusetts. Salem as you may know, is a city on the northern east coast of Massachusetts just above Boston. It was famed for the Salem witch trials, where several locals were executed for allegedly practicing witchcraft. In Salem, I went down Essex Street which is a historical cobblestone-and-brick street in the heart of downtown Salem. The street performers, vendors, and artists put booths up and stole or asked for tips. While walking I passed the back of the Peabody Essex Museum. Just behind it on the walkway sat an older Asian man who I later learned was named Ming. Ming was using pastel chalk and pencils to draw portraits of passers. I was intrigued so I gave him tips and he began drawing me; he was finished in about ten minutes. I was faced with a beautiful portrait that perfectly resembled the essence of my looks
Street Art Photo Essay
Madolynn Morgan, Editor
November 9, 2023
Street artist Ming finished sketch of staff writer Madolynn, done on the streets of Salem Massachusetts
Mings finshed sketch of Madolynn
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About the Contributor

Madolynn Morgan, Editor
Madolynn Morgan is a third-year Journalism student and senior at BCHS. She’s the senior editor for this year’s edition of Le Petit Colonel. Outside of Journalism, she also runs the podcast, “Tales of a Mad Teen”, a social and pop culture commentary podcast directed at teens and young adults. Her ambition in life is to become a lawyer and pursue criminal law. Outside of journalism shes been the Bourbon County Gear Up Student of the Year 2023-2024 ,and is a member of the art club and varsity academic team for Bourbon County.