Road to Freedom: Steps to Becoming a Licensed Driver
A picture of the Bourbon County Judicial Center, where students can get their permit.
October 11, 2021
In most cases, 16-year-olds look forward to getting their learner’s permit as soon as possible, looking forward to the freedom to drive. I always looked forward to the day that I got my permit because its such a milestone in a teenager’s life and the start of a long road to adulthood. However, there’s a lot of confusion and miscommunication when it comes to scheduling the appointment on the “Kentucky State Police” website and finding the information needed for your test date. I got to experience how difficult it truly was and understand the irritation most had to face during the process.
The Judicial Center in Bourbon County only offers the test on Mondays, but their website states otherwise. The website described that they offered the test on Wednesdays and Thursdays, which caused lots of confusion and friction with the tester’s schedules. These appointments run out fairly quickly and it is excruciatingly hard to get the perfect test date. The employees at the Judicial Center advise that you look at the website very early on Monday mornings so you can book your appointment for the earliest, and soonest date. Looking at the website mid-week or on the weekends won’t get you very far. Once you go to the website and click the county you live in, you’ll be able to see the date and time slots available. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to schedule your appointment about a month out from the date you turn sixteen. When it is the day you are testing, the permit licensers need multiple identification documents. These documents include your original birth certificate, social security card, proof of address, and the “no pass/no drive” form, which has to be notarized by your school. It’s typically a very tedious process to get all these documents out and ready. Thankfully, in the end, the process is all worth it, besides that the process is incredibly difficult and frustrating at times. Down below, you can find a step-by-step guide on how to create and fill out an appointment!
Step One: Go to the Kentucky State Police’s website at
Step Two: Once you get to the website, you’ll want to click the “Resources” tab at the top of the page and scroll down till you find the “Drivers Testing” mini tab. Make sure to click that tab and it will take you to your next step!
Step Three: Once you arrive at the drivers’ testing tab, you will scroll down a tad to see the long, skinny yellow box that says “Click here to make an appointment”. This will take you to a page that will describe the basics of what you need to know when you are making the appointment. Make sure to hit that “Make appointment” box after you read all the information.
Step Four: Now that you are at the main page to make your appointment, you want to make sure and click the one in the middle that says, “Drivers’ license, CDL, or motorcycle (Permit test). This will take you to making the appointment for your permit. DON’T CHOOSE THE WRONG ONE! You must click this specific one!
Step Five: After you click the right tab, you will find the place you live in. This is not where you go to school or spend your daily time; this is where your house is located! From there, you will either click to check availability or you can continue making the appointment.
Step Six: Lastly, you will just need to include your basic information such as your name, email, address, and phone number.
Step Seven: This last step is only a reminder of the information you need to bring and how the process goes. For your appointment, you will need to bring your social security number, your birth certificate, and your no pass/no drive form from school if you are under 18. You will also need to make sure your guardian is there with you so you can use their driver’s license as a form of identification as well. Once you get done with showing and signing some other paperwork, you will go wherever you are located to take the test. Once you get there, you have to wait till it’s time to take your test.
Step Eight: After you pass you will go down and get some other paperwork filled out, and get your permit picture taken. Your permit cost will vary depending on your area, but for Bourbon County, it was twelve dollars. After that, then you are good to go! Make sure that you comply with any other regulations the area may have and make sure to try your best.